If Hair loss plague you, you came to the right site. Every medical condition is caused by a biochemical imbalance -- you have too much of some minerals and not enough of others. teaches you how to easily change your body from inside out. You can literally eat yourself back to health.
program is based on a customized scientific lab test called a TMA. The results of your TMA literally become your Owner's Manual to your body. Specifically, the test will tell YOU want to eat, what foods to avoid and what supplements to take to bring YOUR body back to its natural state of health. How empowering!Weight Loss - The number one health concern in the world today. You've probably tried every diet with little success. Know why? Six critical trace elements are out of balance. Fix them and the weight will melt off. You'll learn how to burn fat 24 hours a day, even while you sleep.Hair Loss - Copper, zinc, sodium and magnesium are the culprits. Guys, if it's in the genes, biochemistry can't fix that. But it can control the rate of hair loss. Ladies, you can stop your hair loss completely by eating right! Read what to do and why.